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The ideal financial injection for young companies. Crypto shares enable simple, flexible capital raising without an IPO


For start-ups, financing in the early phase after founding is particularly challenging. They often have to rely on money from family and friends. The step to venture capitalists is complex.

Crypto stocks allow start-ups to raise capital from day 1 in a transparent and flexible way. The digital structure makes it easy to gradually bring new investors on board.


With crypto shares, young companies do not have to take the big leap directly to the stock exchange. Capital raising can be adapted agilely to the respective needs.

Governance is also much more flexible with crypto shares. This fits in perfectly with the dynamics of start-ups.


By using crypto shares from the very beginning, financing is made much easier across the different growth phases of a start-up.

Uncomplicated capital raising

Crypto stocks enable start-ups to obtain fresh capital quickly and without much effort. In contrast to IPOs and bond issues, the process is much simpler.


Raising capital with shares without an IPO

Start-ups/scale-ups do not have to take the big step of going public in order to get new investors on board and finance growth with the help of crypto shares.


Flexible Governance

The structuring of shareholder rights and corporate governance is very flexible with crypto shares. This fits in perfectly with the agile way start-ups work.


Future-oriented financing

Crypto shares are the modern, promising form of equity financing. Perfectly suited to accompany innovative start-ups on their growth path and several rounds of financing.



You have a brilliant idea, are about to found your start-up and are looking for capital?

Then get in touch with us!

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